Ellijay Car Accident Lawyer

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Ellijay Car Accident Attorney

Any car wreck is scary but a car accident that results in a serious injury is life changing – particularly, if you do not have a car accident Attorney fighting for you. If you or someone you care about have suffered a serious personal injury from a car accident, an Ellijay car accident lawyer at Teague Law will provide the advice you need and fight to ensure that your rights are protected, that you receive the treatment you need to reach a full recovery, and that you are compensated for you pain, suffering, and other losses that you suffered through no fault of your own.

A serious injury car accident case requires a skilled and experienced Ellijay auto crash Attorney who will aggressively pursue every option to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to. Your Teague Law serious injury car wreck Attorney will work with you to ensure that you receive all the medical care you need to make a complete recovery or regain as much function as possible if you have suffered a permanent injury or disability.

Ellijay Car Accident Lawyer

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Ellijay

While mechanical failure and other random events can cause a car accident, 98% of car collisions are the result of human error. Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents. When someone takes their eyes off the road, those brief lapses in attention can become the cause of a serious car accident.

Speeding is another common factor that leads to automobile collisions. When someone drives at high speeds, they have less time to react to changing road conditions. Speeding can also increase the chances of a rollover accident.

Failing to maintain a safe distance between cars can also prevent someone from breaking in time to avoid an accident. In some cases, tailgating could lead to a citation for reckless driving.

Weather conditions can limit visibility and reduce road traction. Even when weather is a factor, drivers can still be held liable for any damage they cause. Drivers have a responsibility to adapt their driving habits to reflect roadway conditions.

Important Steps to Take Following a Car Accident

After a vehicle collision, it’s important to take immediate steps. Focus on your safety and that of your passengers. If the wreck could have caused bodily harm to anyone involved, call 911 and provide information about where the crash occurred and how many people may need medical help.

Once you are safely able to do so, take photos and videos of the crash scene. Gather contact information from the people involved and any potential witnesses.

When speaking to the police, remain polite and factual. Do not try to cast blame at that point. The facts of the case will guide the police officer to make notes about who likely caused the car crash. Request a copy of the police report. If no police arrive at the scene of the accident, file your own report with the police, and keep a copy for your records.

Do not communicate with anyone representing the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier. Seek legal counsel as soon as possible. Any communication from the at-fault party or their representatives should be handled solely by your attorney.

How Can I Be Compensated for My Injuries?

Compensation for a car accident typically comes from two areas. Often, the first source of compensation is the at-fault driver’s automobile insurance carrier. Georgia’s at-fault driving laws require the party that caused the accident to pay for any damage they caused.

Insurance companies are often reluctant to pay a fair settlement amount. By working with a car crash attorney, you can improve the chances that you are paid fairly and promptly.

When the driver is uninsured, underinsured, or guilty of engaging in reckless driving, the injured party can seek compensation through the civil courts by hiring a personal injury attorney. Litigation can result in a settlement or jury award that compensates the plaintiff for medical bills and other costs incurred as a result of the car accident.

Benefits of Working With an Ellijay Car Accident Attorney

If you were recently injured in a car accident in Ellijay, you are probably dealing with multiple challenges. Beyond doctor’s appointments and therapy sessions, you may have concerns about how you are going to pay for mounting bills.

An attorney can reduce your burdens by allowing you to focus on your recovery. Car accident lawyers can handle the paperwork needed to seek compensation from an insurance company or directly from the at-fault driver.

Along the way, your attorney can keep you updated on how the settlement negotiations are proceeding. You should not have to worry about improperly filling out important paperwork that could delay your access to compensation. If the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier tries to deny your compensation, you can rely on your attorney to hold the company accountable


Q: How Much Do Accident Lawyers Charge in Georgia?

A: Accident lawyers in Ellijay, Georgia, typically work on a contingency fee basis. The contingency fee is a set percentage that the attorney deducts from a settlement or jury award. The larger the settlement, the larger the fee that your attorney is proportionately paid.

The benefit of this payment model for clients is that they do not have to pay the up-front retainer typically required by many attorneys.

Q: Can I Sue, Even If I Am Partly at Fault for Causing a Car Accident?

A: Yes, you can sue, even if you are partly at fault. Georgia’s modified comparative fault rule reduces your compensation by your percentage of fault in a car accident. If you are 50% or more at fault, you will not receive any compensation.

This system fairly distributes liability and damages based on each party’s degree of fault. Your personal injury attorney can review your case to see what percentage of fault you may bear in a personal injury claim.

Q: Can You Sue for a Car Accident in Georgia?

A: You can sue for a motor vehicle accident in Georgia. Before any claim, the first step is to consult a personal injury attorney. They can review your case to see if a claim is the right course of action following a car wreck.

When the driver is uninsured, underinsured, or engaged in gross negligence or misconduct, a claim can be an effective legal remedy for holding the at-fault driver accountable for injuring you.

Q: What Happens If You Have a Car Accident on Private Property in Georgia?

A: Depending on the circumstances of the car accident, the property owner may bear some liability for causing the accident. The police may not automatically come onto someone else’s property and issue a police report.

Document the scene with photos to show any negligence, report your injuries to the police or in writing to the property owner, and seek immediate medical attention to establish evidence of your injuries and their cause.

Q: What Is the Georgia Law on Auto Accidents?

A: Georgia is an at-fault state for car accident liability. The driver who caused an accident is financially responsible for any physical damage or bodily injury they cause. Georgia’s personal injury laws allow injured parties to hold the at-fault driver accountable through litigation. The statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is two years.

Schedule Your Car Accident Consultation Today

Making sure you receive the quality medical care in a timely manner will increase your chances of making a permanent recovery and and decrease your recovery time. Further, depending on the severity of your injury, your Teague Law Ellijay Car Accident Attorney may set up a life care plan or work with you and your medical providers to calculate your future medical expenses that you will incur due to your injury.

If you or someone you care about has suffered a serious injury speak to one of our Ellijay Car Wreck Attorneys today.


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